Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Me icon

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Work in progress

Im having fun with this, its quite big A1'ish, chasing the drawing round and bashing on lots of colour

2 session painting before easter

Monday, February 05, 2007

1 Hour drawing Jan 07

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The same tonal observation a week later, this one came together a bit better, i continued to observe and alter the drawing when i applied tonal areas and i think it helped. Though i lost it a bit with the mid-tones as i realised the 5 tones i'd decided to break the image down too wasn't enough.

We were supposed to be observing tone in this one, though i dont think its very successful, in retrospect i can see i was being v.lazy and just 'shading in' my base drawing which wasn't very accurate in the first place.

Tried to concentrate on getting big shapes right first on this one, i think it's more consistent overall, was satisfying to measure and make large changes to it late in the drawing.


Drawing from the second class, i think it was supposed to be life size.